This paper details a proof-of-concept development of an adaptive staircase system-type
capable of user-specific mechanical reconfigurations actuated by facial-, object-, and voice-
recognition. The system is described via two variation-prototypes—developed at Technology
Readiness Level 4—as instances of the same system-type. Accordingly, each prototype is
informed by the same use-case considerations and requirements. Nevertheless, by means of
their mechanical particulars, advantages and disadvantages specific to each variation are
identified and explored. The present adaptive staircase system-type consists of two main
components, one computational and the other mechanical. The computational component is
built upon an inherited System Architecture previously developed and implemented by the
authors. More specifically, the computational component uses Google’s TensorFlow for facial-
recognition; BerryNet for multi-object detection; and VoiceIt for voice-recognition. These three
cloud-compatible, -based, or -dependent recognition mechanisms are used to ascertain the
identity three user-types: (1) a person without perceivable physical disabilities; (2) a person
reliant on a walking-cane; and (3) a person on a wheelchair. With the exception of the first
case, the computational component proceeds to actuate mechanical transformations pertinent
to each variety of disabilities depending on which user-type is identified. The objective of this
implementations is to present an intuitive and automated vertical mobility solution capable of
supporting users with varying degrees of reduced mobility. Read more here.
- Alexander Liu Cheng
- Patricio Cruz
- Wilson Guachamín
- Carlos Cevallos
- Benito Ribadeneira
- Esteban Ortiz
- Néstor Llorca Vega
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